It seems everyone wants one and now the therm Gap year not only applies to youngsters leaving school. were now hearing of adults taking a Gap year from work and even whole families taking a gap year. So what;s all the fuss about?

What is a Gap Year?

Basically it’s when you finish your studies and before to embark on a life of career choices and work. It’s you last chance of freedom before you sell your soul to the company that will own your days of the week until you retire.


So lets look at this whole Gap Year from a new perspective, what if you decided that instead of taking a Gap Year why not take a Gap Life?

Instead of taking a year “off” why not consider this as the start of a career called ‘life”.

We seem to just accept that the norm is to work hard and buy lots of stuff that we cant afford and then get a credit card and loans to get more stuff and then buy a house and all the localised dept (utility bills) that ties us to that one place.

Gap Years give us an opportunity to see the world. The question is how much of it do you want to see, because if you don’t cram in as much as you can from your Gap Year  the only world you’re going to see for the rest of your life is from your employers office window and that usually into the window of another employer.

If your like us the idea of a Gap Life is far more appealing than working the typical 9 to 5 existence that we so blindly accept as life.

Break free….. Gap it…