It’s now only a 1.5 months before we head off to South America and we thought it timely to get our vaccinations sorted before trekking through the jungle.

So Elena called the our local doctors surgery. Big mistake…


Chatswood Medical Centre’s receptionist took the call and Elena asked to make a booking to get vaccinations for traveling, but before getting another word in the busy receptionist blurted out not today we’re fully booked.

Ok, so when? Thursday at 4.30pm. That was it done, booked.

Elena was shocked at the abruptness and wondered… “How much and what did she book me for?”.. Elena knew we needed a yellow fever shot. So she called back.

“How much will the vaccine cost that I just booked?”

“Don’t know we’ll need to order in the vaccine from the pharmacy”.

Elena got off the phone and decided to call the pharmacy only to discover that Chatswood Pharmacy cannot immunise against Yellow Fever, we need to go to a specialised travel clinic.

Now Elena was pissed, and I don’t blame her. She called the receptionist back to let her know and ask “what were you going to immunise us for?” The receptionist didn’t even ask what we needed!

Elena proceeded to let them know that they need training in asking the right questions. The receptionists excuse…. “we’re really busy”.

What! – too busy to not misdiagnose a patient!

Imagine calling a travel agent and saying “I want to go on holiday” and the travel agent replied, all good booked!

Or in my job… “I want to paint my house”, all good here’s the colours you hate and oh, sorry you were painting the inside, not the outside… oh dear, maybe I should have asked more questions.

So, before you travel, get your shots, do your research and go to a decent doctor who has the time to treat you with the respect you deserve as a patient and a human being.