The largest piece of moving machinery in Europe – built to work for 30 years – mothballed after 18 months

F60 MINE - 1

The largest piece of moving machinery in Europe, designed to operate for at least 30 years and worked for only 18 months stands testament to a regime in the brink of political changes. Built just prior the collapse of the Soviet Union, the huge piece of mining equipment would have placed Lauchhammer in a prime position as a developing industrial village. Instead the young people now look further for work, just like Karen’s father, she too works in another village as a nurse to secure her future.


Walking over this huge structure in the howling wind blown up from the south east and watching the sand create a massive dust storm over the wind turbines I pondered the future. Wind turbines dot the landscape here.


Over the last ten years there has been an enormous effort to return the mine pits to nature and seek alternative resources to harvest energy efficiently. In doing so the region has the opportunity to tap into the eco tourism industry by filling in the mine and creating lakes this area will become the largest lake district in Germany, with canals linking the lakes, resorts and other industry are ready to move in. It will be a few years but we cannot wait to return and see the changes.

