Cities, we live in them because we believe that there is strength in numbers. We have learnt throughout the centuries that by banding together we can conquer our enemies and build incredible structures that can stand the sands of time. Yet the one thing that we seem to have lost in large cities is to be able to truly connect with each other and to communicate our true intentions to one and other. It’s in these large cities we feel more lost and alone than ever. It’s in these large cities that we have crime, depression, fear and anxiety.

In the last 10 years living in Brisbane we’ve lived in 4 homes and in each place we only ever visited the neighbours a handful of times, yes thats the guys on the other side of the fence. We never knew anybody else in the street of any of the places we lived.

So much for banding together, during huge storms that come each year to the region we all feel connected when local politicians jump on their soapboxes and promote the “We shall overcome” speech.

This is the world we currently live in, and want to escape. Secretly I know a few friends who would love to un-plug too, but are hard wired to the system and just don’t know which switch to throw first.


When you’ve started to switch off the grid and want to connect with people and not possessions have we got a spot for you.

In a matter of a few days we’ve met so many new friends here in Espiritu Santo a place we will soon call home. Elena found us the perfect spot to set up camp for the week that has been our information gathering trip. If you plan to come to Santo and are looking for a place to stay that is low on price and high on hospitality you just have to stay with Marie and Louise at the Hibiscus Attraction Centre. this place is a real melting pot where you can chat the mornings and evenings away with locals, volunteers and adventure seekers under to one thatched roof.

Natanara's first burning
Natanara’s first burning

The connections are interesting as here on Santo everyone seems to know everyone. We were  discussing our block of land at Natanara and Marie was all excited and announced that she is good friends with a French couple that live 1km north of us and wanted us to meet with them and yesterday they came to the motel. We chatted with Bruno and Jocylin for an hour before promises were made to meet later in the day on their property.

Natanara Beach Bush Guide.... We are Lost!
Natanara Beach Bush Guide…. We are Lost!

As we were all talking another couple from New Zealand joined us. They are here for 6 days and going to a remote island to help build a church. It was soon discovered that the lady went to school with my Uncle!… Talk about a small world!

natanara beach 3

Today is Friday and in 2 days time we’ll be leaving, but it’s been a wonderful journey so far. This afternoon we’re meeting with our Friend Torquil who owns Malvenua Island for a beer. It’s a celebration of what we have done over the last few days.

natanara beach 4